APCOM Thailand

Inter-Regional Dialogue presents status quo of key population’s engagements with the Global Fund’s sustainability, transition and co-financing

19 June 2019, Bangkok, Thailand – APCOM releases a report resulting from the recently held Inter-Regional Dialogue on Global Fund’s Sustainability, Transition and Co-Financing (STC). Titled “Framing the Status Quo”, the document aims to provide the current state of key population’s and Country Coordinating Mechanism’s (CCM) understanding and engagement with the Global Fund’s STC Policy.

According to the report, key population communities’ knowledge about the Global Fund itself, its mechanisms and processes are still limited. This creates more challenges in increasing communities’ knowledge on Sustainability, Transition and Co-Financing and results to limited to no engagement on these discussions. Organisational and operational capacities (e.g. programmes management and finance management) within community-based organisations (CBOs) do not meet the capacity requirements of the Global Fund capacity assessment tool. This disqualifies CBOs to manage sub-grants under the national programmes. In addition, some National AIDS Programmes prefer to support and work directly with professional non-government organisations instead of community-led and community-based organisations in achieving the targets. Unfortunately, in some countries in the Asia-Pacific Region, communities of MSM, transgender people and other key populations are only regarded as beneficiaries of interventions instead of implementers.

“This is a different kind of discussion about sustainability, transition and co-financing that I have attended,” says Manisha Dhakal, the Executive Director of Blue Diamond Society, a CBO based in Nepal. “This meeting dived deeper into the needs of both key population communities and CCM. It has successfully surfaced the very specific bottlenecks which hinder effective engagement with the Global Fund.”

The participants of the Inter-Regional Dialogue hold the opinion that their communities in Cambodia, Nepal, Indonesia and Vietnam have not effectively engaged in these discussions. There is limited participation or involvement from the communities of MSM, transgender people, and other key populations with regard to Global Fund’s sustainability, transition and co-financing. At country levels, there are no interventions or advocacies implemented to increase the knowledge and understanding of communities of MSM, transgender people, and other key populations on sustainability and transition (and co-financing).

The structures of CCM across countries are not consistent. The CCM must have a strong secretariat in order to play the key role in sharing knowledge between government and communities of key populations. Capacity building for the members of the CCM must also be in place for more effective engagements with the communities of key populations and their representative. Technical assistance is needed for the mechanisms to develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in its dealing with Global Fund grants and other regional grants. In addition, technical assistance is necessary to develop governance manual together with its financial structure.

“We are thankful to the participants from key population communities, CCM and Regional networks who actively participated in the discussions,” says Midnight Poonkasetwattana, APCOM Executive Director. “Our ultimate goal is for our communities and other key populations to meaningfully participate in the new funding model. As a regional organisation, we are looking forward to provide our community partners the technical assistance that they really need. It is important that the assistance we provide are on point and directly addressing the issues barring effective community engagement.”

APCOM Updates


APCOM conducted a two-day consultation and workshop from 29 - 30 of April 2019 in Landmark Hotel, Bangkok. This workshop accommodated 26 participants from Asia and other Regions and aimed to achieve the following objectives.

Provide an overview of the HIV Financing situation for key populations based on the experience in Asia and the Pacific, e.g., financing trends, domestic vs. international funding for key populations, allocative efficiency, etc

Increase civil society’s and key populations’ understanding on:

  1. Sustainability,
  2. Transition,
  3. Co-financing
  4. Global Fund's Sustainability, Transition, and Co-Financing (STC) Policy;
  5. World Bank Transition checklist

Identify the roles of civil roles society and key population networks in the implementation of the STC Policy at the country-level, and in ensuring working partnership with the national AIDS programmes;

Also, during the 2-day workshop, the participants discussed and had identified several capacity gaps/ challenges to implement STC in their country. As an outcome of this workshop, APCOM had produced STC outcome document along STC statement.

Please see STC outcome document and STC statement here.

And also, you can access the fact sheet here.


We luckily got two community representatives on the Global Fund Co-ordination Mechanism (CCM) for Nepal, Raju Lama and Pareena who willing to share their challenges which they have been experiencing to perform their function effectively. Their concrete recommendations would help you and community members to meaningfully engage with CCM and Global Fund.

Read more

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As announced at the HERO Awards, we want to thank you, our friends and partner for supporting and helping raise funds for APCOM’s work. However, unfortunately, APCOM is currently facing a rather uncertain financial future. Many international funding organizations and governments have decreased their financial support for HIV programs in the Asia Pacific, and this difficult environment for funding will persist for the foreseeable future
Despite our best efforts for resource mobilisation, the funding we require for much of our HIV prevention and LGBTI rights work has not come through. This means our vital impact on the HIV and human rights response in this region is seriously diminished.
If you would like to support the work of APCOM in a significant way, and if you know sources of funding and support for APCOM please reach out to me at [email protected]
Thank you,
Midnight and all at APCOM

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